Finally I think I am satisfied with where my site's design and development is at. I think I have done enough in terms of portraying the overall message of my site. My homepage clearly starts off with the journey I am on and that I welcome every single one interested to become part of and follow me on this journey of becoming a successful freelance blogger.
On my About Page I tell readers a little more about myself and then I follow through with telling them what Freelance.Blogging.Life. is all about and why I would absolutely love for people to join me on my journey.
The rest of my homepage clearly emphasizes the professional writing services that I offer. The Hire Me page lists everything I am capable of and willing to deliver as well as it makes crystal clear who I want to work with - individuals and business owners serious about taking their business and online presence to the next level, willing to invest sufficient time, energy and resources into making it the best success it can be.
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